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Cercador de Didactàlia:
26 de febr. 2011
18 de febr. 2011
Sense senyal de TV3 a la tdt
Sense Senyal - No signal
As of Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 10:30pm, after 26 years of transmission, the government of the community of Valencia has silenced neighboring Catalan television channel TV3.
My homepage will remain “off” until 23:59pm Friday, February 18 in solidarity with the people of Valencia and with ACPV, a cultural group in Valencia that financed the antennas that retransmitted the signal from TV3, and which has been fined repeatedly and ever more excessively for broadcasting that signal in the Catalan language.
Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom itself are under attack. The government of Valencia now says no television in Catalan. What will they censor next?
Ximo Bernà
#Sensesenyal on Twitter
Emblema per a la Revolució Àrab de 2011
Perquè d'aquesta manera la revolta esdevindrà Revolució! Entrant pels ulls als qui són orfes de paraules que no poden sentir als media tradicionals. Les TIC i col·laboren per a consolidar el nou discurs que conforma nous subjectes històrics.
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